nedelja, 28. oktober 2007

Kako veš, da si Slovenec?

1. Šlivo cures everything from a stomachache to paper cuts. 2. You are well acquainted with “sarma”. 3. You eat everything with “ajvar”. 4. Your profanity consists of Croatian and Serbian phrases because Slovenija is too pure to have swear words. 5. There is nothing gross about blood sausages (krvavice). 6. Drinking with your parents is normal. 7. Your relatives, especially in Slovenija, do not believe in opening the car windows on a sweltering hot day because of “prepih”. 8. When outside of Slovenia, you fight an irresistible urge to kiss the person you’ve just shaken hands with. 9. You're not allowed to leave the house with damp hair because you're going to become bolan(a). 10. You have to wear copate around the house, even if you have carpeting and it is 95 degrees outside. 11. Your family makes their own vino, medica, or šlivo. 12. You never got to sleep in on Saturday because you had Slovenska šola. 13. Mami is always making you eat. 14. You know how to dance polka and you’re proud of it. 15. Someone in your family can play buttonbox or accordion and is always bothering you to learn. 16. You’ll still drink Cockta to please your family in Slovenija even though it makes you sick to your stomach. 17. English verbs are acceptable if used with the ending "-ati", which makes them Slovenian: "play-ati", "study-ati", “clean-ati”. 18. At the age of 13 you are only allowed to go out of town with your friends for folklore festivals, drinking binges, and dances. 19. Your parents were at the party where you first got drunk and maybe even offered you a drink. 20. Then they waited until the ride home to beat the crap out of you for getting drunk and embarassing them. 21. The majority of your friends are also your relatives, even if they aren't your relatives; because you refer to their parents as "teta" and "stric”. 22. "Kuhovnice" are not only used for stirring when cooking... they are also used by mami to beat you when there is no "šiba" handy.. 23. At least once you've told your parents that you'll call the police to report "child abuse" and your parents said "Ja! Samo probaj..." 24. Lunch on Sundays has more courses than Amerikanci have for Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner. 25. Your 13 year old sister can out-drink any Amerikan'c or Irishman. 26. You love "golaž", but don't like bringing it to school or work for lunch because you'd be embarrassed if someone asked you what it was. 27. Vegetarianism is not a concept your parents understand. 28. All other action stops when you hear people speaking Croatian or Serbian somewhere. 29. You smell garlic or alcohol on the old man's breath behind you sitting on the pew in church on Sunday mornings. 30. You never got the "Birds and the Bees" talk from mami or ati when growing up. 31. You are only allowed to vacation in the homeland for a minimum of 4 weeks. 32. Your relatives alone can populate a small city. 33. You’ve worked in the “štale” at your relatives house in Slovenia and the cow smell didn’t even bother you. 34. You know what a "D.P" and a "Boater" are and you frequently call your parents by either derogatory name. 35. You think mixing Coke and red wine (bambus) is an extremely tasty drink. 36. You're still laughing your ritka off because you know every single one of these are true.

10 komentarjev:

  1. a bi ti že napisala kaj novega? :) Zdej je pa res že čas :)

  2. Hehe, funny :( Ampak recimo, da je vse res - mater, smo čudni :)

    Sam res, piši piši ... ;)

  3. Ja, sam res smo hecni, če tako pogledaš.

    Nov post pa je že!!:) Je bila ustvarjalna kriza :) (izgovor, ki zmeraj vžge)

  4. Kaj je hecno, zakaj smo smešni in čudni? Zakaj je en komentar izbrisan? :) Spet sm zamudila nekaj dobrega in zanimivega, ha? :)

  5. @Carmen, jaz nimam pojma, kaj se dogaja na mojem blogu :) Moram malo stvari v roke vzet!! :P

  6. Jah, no ... ne vem kdo si je to zmislil, ampak sem Slovenka (vseh dokumentiranih 10 generacij nazaj, če hočeš), pa od vseh 36. točk jih (zame in za mojo familijo) le 5 zagotovo drži, ostalo pa je kar neki. Prihajam iz vasi, pa vseeno se mu zdi, da ta najbolj zapečkarski Slovenci v moji okolici, ki nikoli niso videli dosti sveta in se jim zdi, da je Ljubljana takoooo zelo daleč ... ne vem, če zanje kakih 50% teh izjav drži ...

  7. Ah, Anonima, to je vse skupaj bolj za šalo. Z veliko pretiravanja. Dvomim, da kdo verjame na primer v tole "Your relatives alone can populate a small city." Je pa recimo res, da smo tako mali, da pogosto naletiš na kakega daljnega sorodnika ...

  8. hehe, carsko:D

    nambr 17 je čist u nulo skinjen
